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The concept of organisational Behaviour

Organization is the backbone of management. No management can

perform its functions smoothly Without an efficient organization.


It's refers to the behavior of individuals and groups within

organizations and the interaction between organizational members

and their external environment.

Nature of organization behaviour 

  • A separate field of study
  • An applied science
  • A total system Approach
  • An Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Normative Science
  • Humanistic and optimistic Approach
  1. A separate field of study: A discipline is an accepted science that is based on a theoretical foundation. But , organization behaviour has a multi-interdisciplinary orientation and is, thus, not based on a specific theoretical background. Therefore, it is better reasonable to call organization behaviour a separate field of study rather than a discipline only.
  2. An applied science: The very nature of organization behaviour is applied. What organization behaviour basically does is the application of various researches to solve the organizational problems related to human behaviour. The basic line of difference between pure science and organization behaviour is that while the former concentrates of fundamental researches, the latter concentrates on applied researches. organization behaviour involves both applied research and its application in organizational analysis. Hence, organization behaviour can be called both science as well as art.
  3. A total system Approach: The system approach is one that integrates all the variables, affecting organizational functioning. The systems approach has been developed by the behavioural scientists to analyse human behaviour in view of his/her socio-psychological framework. Man's socio-psychological framework makes man a complex one and the systemsapproach tries to study his/her complexity and find solution to it.
  4. An Interdisciplinary Approach: Organizational behaviour is essentially an interdisciplinary approach to study human behaviour at work. It tries to integrate the relevant knowledge drawn from related disciplines like psychology, sociology and anthropology to make them applicable for studying and analysing organizational behaviour.
  5. Normative Science: Organizational Behaviour is a normative science also. While the positive science discusses only cause effect relationship, Organizational Behaviour prescribes how the findings of applied researches can be applied to socially accepted organizational goals. Thus, Organizational Behaviour deals with what is accepted by individuals and society engaged in an organization. Organizational Behaviour is normative as well that is well underscored by the proliferation of management theories.
  6. Humanistic and optimistic Approach: It's applies humanistic approach towards people working in the organization. It, deals with the thinking and feeling of human beings. O.B. is based on the belief that people have an innate desire to be independent, creative and productive. It also realizes that people working in the organization can and will actualize these potentials if they are given proper conditions and environment. Environment affects performance of workers in an organization.
Disciplines contributing to the field of Organisational Behaviour

Following are the contributing disciplines of OB:
Psychology – it studies the process of human behaviour such as learning, thinking, memory, sensation,emotions, feelings, perception and personality.
Sociology - it is an academic discipline which studies patterned shared behaviour of human beings, the way in which people acts towards one another.
Social psychology - it is the psychology branch which studies the individual in societal context.
Anthropology -It combines two words: Greek word “Anthro” means man and a noun ending “logy”means science. It studies civilization, forms of cultures and their impact on individuals and groups.
Economics - it is that branch which is concerned with consumption, production and transfer of wealth.
Political – it is related to the public affairs of the government of a country.

Scope of OB

The scope of organizational behavior, it extends to 3 concepts.
The three concepts are given below.

A. Individual Behaviour

As the name itself suggests, this is where an individual is studied. The personality, interests, motivation, and attitudes of an individual who is a part of an organization are studied.
There is interaction, one-to-one, to understand and study the individual and make a perception about them.

B. Inter-Individual Behaviour

Now, this concept is when there is communication happening among the employees. It can be with their social group in the workplace, with their subordinates, or with their senior employees. It helps understand the leadership styles and leadership qualities of a person; if a conflict arises, it can be resolved easily, group dynamics.

C. Group Behavior
Here the study of the formation of an organization is done. The areas looked into can be the structure of the organization, effectiveness in the organization, etc. The efforts made by group to achieve the objectives or goals of an organization are what group behavior is all about. The behavior of everyone who is a part of the group is taken into consideration.

Goals of Organizational Behavior
Organizational behaviour is an applied science that deals with individual behaviour as well as group behaviour in an organization. The four goals of organizational behaviour are to describe,
understand, predict and control.

  1. To describe
  2. To understand
  3. To predict
  4. To control

To describe: The first objective is to describe how people behave under various conditions. For example, as a manager, I have information about a particular junior officer that he comes office in late and leaves the office early.

To understand: The second goal of organizational behaviour is to understand why people behave as they do. Managers have to understand the reasons behind a particular action. For example, as a manager, I must find out the reason why the junior officer is coming late and going earlier.

To predict: Predicting future behaviour of employee is another goal of organizational behaviour. Usually, managers would have the capacity to predict why the employees are committed to the organization or not. For instance, I have to realize why he wants to leave my organization, how I can hold the officer in my organization, what should be done by me in this situation or what my role is etc.

To control: The final goal of organizational behaviour is to control and develop a friendly atmosphere for the organization. Since managers are responsible for the overall performance of an organization, they must develop workers’ teamwork, skill and commitment. Managers should take necessary action for themselves. In the above case, I can increase the financial benefits of the officer if it is not satisfactory for him or I can help him to solve his personal
problem, or I can negotiate him to solve any organizational problem.

 Models of organization behaviour
  •  Autocratic Model-The autocratic model depends on power. Managers see authority as the only means to get the things done and employees are expected to follow orders. So it results in the higher dependence on the boss.
  • The Custodial Model- To overcome the shortcomings of autocratic model, it came into existence.This model is reward based.More emphasis is on economic rewards and benefits to motivate employees.
  •  The Supportive Model- It works in the public sector organization which is dependent on effective leadership. Here, it is assumed that workers are self directed and creative. Importance in this model is given to psychological needs, self esteem, job satisfaction and friendly relations between superior – subordinate.
  •  The Collegial Model-This is a best model based on the partnership between workers and management in which both work together as a team and respect each other. Workers are satisfied by their job and they are committed to the organisation.
Objectives of Organisational Behaviour
There are certain objectives that organizational behavior fulfils or needs to be fulfilled in the workplace. Given below are the basic objectives of organizational behavior.

A. Improving Employee Behaviour
With the help of organizational behavior, it is easy to understand employees' behavior and access their workplace situation. It also helps in analyzing as to how positive and negative behavior of employees while working can have an impact on the workflow. And through all these necessary steps can be taken to handle any situation that may arise.
For example, with the help of organizational behavior, we can look into the fact as to why the deadlines by a particular employee are not being met.

B. Enhances Leadership Skills
For one to become an effective leader, it is necessary to understand organizational behavior. When one is in a higher position, it is important to look into the factors that affect employees' or subordinates' behavior in the workplace. Once the reasons are understood, effective steps can be taken at an immediate level. Leadership skills will make sure that you are handling your employees well to work effectively and efficiently.

C. Increases the Motivation of Employees
When they look through the employees' perspective, they will always find it motivating that their problems are being understood and reasons for their behavior, in a certain way, are taken into consideration. Like, when effective feedback is taken, the employees feel valued and satisfied. It motivates them to work in a better way, which will, in turn, increase productivity.

D. Assists in Organisational Change
When working in an organization, the employees have to go through several changes like technological changes, customer tastes, etc. Studying organizational behavior can help assess how the employees process these changes and inculcate them into their work patterns. And any difficulty that arises can be solved with having any major effect on the working by looking
into it prior.
E. Creating a Desirable Workplace Culture
By taking steps to understand organizational behavior, desirable workplace culture is created. The employees feel satisfied and important. It helps understand what style of leadership must be used, hiring strategies, compensation, etc.
